Forthcoming Event
Public Open day - Saturday 18th May 2024 10am - 2pm
Tea/coffee/cakes available
All welcome - just turn up with flat shoes to have a try at bowls on the Green.
************ Important Notice *************
All bowling apart from Organised bowling must be booked online.
************ Important Notice *************
Romsey Bowling Club has been in existence since 1973 and is located in the Memorial Park, Romsey.
The Club members maintain and run the bowling green and its facilities and many of the members have volunteered to learn the necessary skills to carry out the work needed.
New members are always welcome and coaching facilities are available particularly for beginners from the club’s qualified Coaches. Please contact the Honorary Secretary for details.
Members are encouraged to improve their bowling skills and to participate in club and regional competitions. Romsey has two mens and two ladies teams in the Southampton and District League and most weekends there are friendly fixtures.
The club is open for public bowling subject to availability and prior notice to the Honorary Secretary, Eileen Scovell.
Club Officers
President…………………. Gill Wait
Vice President………….. Chaz Davey
Past President………….. Bill Reid
Honorary Secretary….. Eileen Scovell
Honorary Treasurer…. Andrew Hurst
Safeguarding Officer.... Jane Hill
Committee Members
Gill Hurst Jane Hill
Sue Perkins Pete Morton
Kevin Stokes Bob Weeks
Our Sponsors